The Joy Revolution

Yesterday, thousands upon thousands of Zimbabweans took to the streets to express their desire for Mugabe to step down. Invited by the war veterans to show support for the defence forces and their actions, this was not a typical invitation, and for many Zimbabweans, these are not our typical allies. Which is perhaps part ofContinue reading “The Joy Revolution”

Nurturing my Relationship(s) with all of Life

Yesterday a small group of women spent time in a friend’s garden We were on a mini-solo staying with whatever caught our attention in the garden Being open to nature is it came to meet and greet us after the first summer rains I was astounded at how rich it is How much is thereContinue reading “Nurturing my Relationship(s) with all of Life”

Celebrating Freedom

Today is Zimbabwe’s independence day. Technically we are celebrating 34 years of independence (so young!). I have decided to join the celebrations today. And to celebrate a slight different aspect than the political technicalities of freedom. I am celebrating today the freedom that dances in my cells. The freedom that is rising in people everywhereContinue reading “Celebrating Freedom”

Journals from a Month of Dancing

August quickened something in me, and the voice that has quietly been whispering to dance, to dance, to dance became more insistent until there was nothing for me to do, but ‘put on my dance shoes’. Those would be my bare feet. Find good music, turn up the volume, empty my house of my familyContinue reading “Journals from a Month of Dancing”

How we Gather

I am in the middle of what seems like a new learning. A deepening of what I have already known, to the extent that it feels like an entirely new discovery. This is my re-discovery: How we gather affects our outcomes. How well prepared. How clear on intention. How open or closed. How speedy orContinue reading “How we Gather”