Movement Medicine

Come as you are and dance your way home

Finding your way home

Movement is Medicine. Movement is Choice. Movement is Connection. Movement is Life.

Come and find your own unique expression through the dance. It matters not what it looks like. We Awaken the Dancer – that part of us that is still connected to the innate intelligence of life that IS Movement. From here we can come into a fuller expression of Who We Are. From here we can expand into Wholeness.

Classes happen regularly at Ela’s in the Garden.

We dance outside due to Covid – being nestled in the beauty of the old Newlands garden, with trees circling us as we come into fluid expressive movement.

Contact me for upcoming dates.

Dance with some of my playlists

Movement Medicine Open Classes

Come and Dance with me. We dance into our wholeness.

Hosting Group Processes

I am a teacher of participatory group processes. Please contact me if you wish your team to be supported in finding ways to work together more fully and co-creatively integrating movement as a part of the journey.

Women Are Medicine

I am a part of the trans-local Women are Medicine collective. We regularly host women’s retreats at Kufunda, using movement medicine as a core part of the work of coming into our Power.

“I see Maaianne as a visionary. She labours with love and dedication to bring the vision she carries into grounded, substantial being. Kufunda Learning Village is a miracle of persistence, love, tenacity and dream. Maaianne bridges worlds and hemispheres (both in brain and globe) in her work and life, and creates opportunities and forums for collective learning, evolution, and healing.

Her soul-work pushes the envelope of what is, and brings everyone and anyone who wants to join in, along for the ride; so much opportunity is created and woven for so many folk. But this happens in the way a big, old oak tree gives shade and home… generosity comes just by being itself. The containers that she creates and co-creates for positive change are bold and alchemical.”

Eliza Kenyon

Let’s make something beautiful together.