Dancing Universe


Reflections on Wholeness

Welcome to my page.

This is a place where I share my journey of Dancing with Life.

Movement is Medicine

My life changed when I returned to the dance. I danced my way into freedom. Freedom from societal constructs and ancestral loyalties of what it means to be a good girl. With sacred movement I am finding my way home to my medicine, my wildness and my light.

Returning to Nature

Living in nature and becoming a steward of the land on which I live has brought a deeper sense of belonging and grounding. Being immersed in the changing seasons, being accompanied by the growing breathing plants and trees is a gift of life.

Everyday Sacred

Choosing to live each day with awareness of the sacred, taking time to nourish my own conversation with my inner guidance, and finding simple ways of honouring life is becoming a part of a life in which I am learning just how deeply loved and held we each are by life – even in the midst of chaos and disruption. Beneath it all is a pulse of life and light.

Those who were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music

friedrich nietzsche

Get in Touch

Maaianne Knuth Whatsapp: +263 714 021350 maaianne@gmail.com